Python for scientists and territorial analists
20 ore
The course aims to describe the capability of the Python scripting in several fields,
ranging from BIM to data analysis and territorial analysis. As such, the course is
multidisciplinary. The course will briefly describe the scripting approach and then its
capability will be applied to difference research problems.
Leggere il territorio: nuovi approcci e strumenti diagnostici
20 ore
Il corso ha l'obiettivo di descrivere tecniche e strumenti per l'analisi territoriale.
Con un approccio multidisciplinare, il corso introdurrà l'ingegneria degli indicatori
fornendo dettagli sulle tecniche di valutazione applicata alla pianificazione territoriale,
anche alla scala locale.
A basic Introduction to research tools for engineers and scientists
20 ore
The main aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge of the tools of data analysis
in science and engineering. As such, the course is multidisciplinary. Indeed, monitoring
systems, experimental investigations, and mathematical models have in common the necessity
to interpret and analyze data. The answer to this necessity is to use statistical tools
able to provide a quantitative representation of a given phenomenon. The first part of
the course is devoted to providing the basic knowledge about statistical analysis of time
series. A particular interest will be dedicated to the study of extreme events (long term statistics).
In the second part, the attention will be oriented to give the basic knowledge of the time frequency
analysis (short term statistic). Numerical applications in Matlab will be presented to solve some examples.